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SophiaMatrix Training UG
SophiaMatrix Training UG
+49 8341 / 9664100



Your living room
Your living room
To the


Sep 24 - 26 2021


All Day



Recording ImmunSymbiosis© Annual Conference (Spet. 2021) – german

Seminar language: German

For patients, affected persons, therapists and interested parties

incl. access to all recordings of the seminar for 4 weeks.
incl. link to download the documents.

Seminar volume

approx. 17 hours


Cost for online seminar 390€ (instead of 550€ for the face-to-face seminar)


Registration possible at any time.

Access to the videos and link to the documents will be sent via email afterwards.

For questions and registration please contact Pamela Lecher:

Either by email:
or by phone:  49 (0) 8341 966 4100

All ImmunSymbiosis© courses are tax-exempt as educational services according to § 4 No. 21. a) bb) UStG!



New milestones in ImmunSymbiosis©

  • incredible connections between SARS-CoV-2, tuberculosis and cancer
  • our genome is flexible, constantly learning and expanding – in genetic exchange with germs – a new level of ImmunSymbiosis©
    viruses are jumping genes with an envelope
  • the tree of life is in reality a net with boundless exchange on all levels, also genetically – THAT is evolution
  • “Borgs” have been discovered, long extracellular DNA structures that assimilate DNA from surrounding species of life – what is that?
  • Proteins of germs are up to 99.7% identical in structure to human proteins. “Antibodies” (actually regulators) therefore always act on germs AND humans. Thus autoimmunity has to be redefined – this is not an oversight and not a trick of the germs (molecular mimicry), this is highly complex, networked regulation.
  • the latest SARS-CoV-2 study – high concordance of the protein structure of the spike protein and 294 tumor-suppressing human proteins – what does this mean?
  • antibodies, autoimmune diseases, immune responses – we need to understand this in a completely new way
  • How can we implement these new findings in the treatment of chronic diseases and in new frequency chords?
  • Evolution takes place in connective tissue – at any time – and only in symbiosis with microbes
  • There is no boundary between humans and microbes


Fine print

ImmunSymbiosis© is a complex model for the development of chronic diseases and solutions. A testing method such as kinesiology to apply the ImmunSymbiosis© strategies is beneficial, but not mandatory.

The contents of this course can be integrated into any therapeutic practice or serve as self-help for patients and interested persons. No special prior knowledge is required.

The protocols for our case studies from the SophiaHealth practice are often based on the SophiaViva remedies, which were developed there specifically for the treatment of these patients based on the research there.

In the seminar, the mode of action as well as the production, composition and scientific background of the remedies used are explained transparently.

Thus, the principle of ImmunSymbiosis© can of course also be integrated into a treatment independently of SophiaViva with other remedies.

This course does NOT teach any content from the curriculum of methods according to Dr. Klinghardt (ART Autonomous Response Test, PK Psycho-Kinesiology, MFT Mental Field Techniques), unless they are already mentioned in the book “ImmunSymbiosis©”.

Courses for MatrixTechnique© and ImmunSymbiosis© are conducted by SophiaMatrix® UG (haftungsbeschränkt). For questions regarding training in the methods ART, PK and MFT according to Dr. Klinghardt please contact the INK Institute für Neurobiology according to Dr. Klinghardt.

These INK courses are NOT a prerequisite for ImmunSymbiosis© or MatrixTechnique© seminars.


*Please note that your email address will be shared with SproutVideo LLC to unlock the recordings. This is a technically necessary measure. More information can be found in our privacy policy.

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