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Learning today, leading tomorrow.

Become part of the ImmunSymbiosis® family and discover the latest developments in ImmunSymbiosis© and MatrixTechnique© trainings together with us.

SophiaMatrix® Training UG

Our courses

For doctors & therapists

For laymen & interested parties

For doctors & therapists

ImmunSymbiosis© training

Discover the fascinating world of ImmunSymbiosis© and Medicine Reloaded© for you, your family and your patients – a unique and revolutionary perspective on microbes, the immune system, genetics and evolution for a deeper understanding of chronic diseases and their treatment!

MatrixTechnique© training

Welcome to the fascinating world of MatrixTechnique©! Here you will learn all about the crucial role of connective tissue, fascia and lymph for your body. Discover how these structures work together and how they can be supported by targeted manual treatment methods to improve your health and well-being. Immerse yourself and learn how you can actively contribute to the regeneration and vitality of your body with the MatrixTechnique©.

Für Laien & Interessierte

The series - ImmunSymbiosis© from A-Z

Komm mit uns in die Welt der Keime - auf eine für alle Interessierten verständliche Reise zu einer neuen Sichtweise des Immunsystems, der fantastischen Symbiose mit den Keimen und setze dieses Wissen in deinem Alltag um. So kannst du für dich und deine Familie gesundheitsbewusste Entscheidungen treffen, die Angst vor Keimen Schritt für Schritt loslassen und Teil eines längst überfälligen Umdenkens werden.

We are SophiaMatrix

Our work is our passion. With joy and enthusiasm, we want to spread ImmunSymbiosis© and the MatrixTechnique© worldwide and support you in the best possible way. Our aim is to create awareness of new perspectives and to establish these as a valuable addition to existing treatment methods.


We stand behind every one of our promises and are fully committed to you.


We look forward to getting to know you.


Have fun and see you soon,

Your SophiaMatrix® Team

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    The team


    Head of the SophiaHealth® Institute Kaufbeuren & Head of Training


    COO SophiaViva® & seminar organization


    SophiaViva® Team & Seminarorganisation


    SophiaViva® Team & Seminarorganisation


    Head of B2C SophiaViva® & seminar organization

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