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The certified MatrixTechnique® therapist

Training Language: German

Welcome to the fascinating world of MatrixTechnique©! Here you will learn all about the crucial role of connective tissue, fascia and lymph for your body. Discover how these structures work together and how they can be supported by targeted manual treatment methods to improve your health and well-being. Immerse yourself and learn how you can actively contribute to the regeneration and vitality of your body with the MatrixTechnique©.


  • Course 01-25 & Refresh 01-25

    May 29th - June 1st

  • Course 02-25 & Refresh 02-25

    October 09th - 12th

Vier Hände, die sich symbolisch in der Mitte eines Schreibtisches treffen, jede Hand formt eine Faust. Umgeben von Schreibutensilien wie Stiften, Notizbüchern und Papier, vermitteln die Hände ein kraftvolles Gefühl von Zusammenarbeit, Einheit und gemeinsamer Entschlossenheit.
Ariane Zappe in ihrer Praxis am Schreibtisch mit Laptop vor sich und Praxisausrüstung im Hintergrund - Quadratisch

The idea

A holistic concept that accompanies you from start to finish on your way to becoming a certified therapist. Look forward to your very own course group and find out here what idea we are pursuing with the certified training courses.

The MatrixTechnique© Refresh

The refresher course offers the ideal opportunity to refresh existing knowledge and skills. It is offered at the same time as the certified MatrixTechnique© training courses and can be booked at half price. The only prerequisite for participation is that you have already completed a MatrixTechnique© training course. Take advantage of this opportunity to deepen your know-how and continue working at the highest level!

Materials included

Maximum 12 participants

We attach great importance to ensuring that all participants can enjoy the training to the full and complete it with a clear conscience. That is why we have limited the number of participants to a maximum of twelve.

All used scripts & Medizin Reloaded

To ensure that you get the most out of the event, we will provide you with all the materials for the videos and slides shown in printed form right at the start. This means you don't have to take notes all the time, but can follow the content in a relaxed manner. You will also receive the book “Medizin Reloaded”.

Folders & stationery

We will provide you with a folder for all your documents. Of course, there is also enough space for your own documents. We also have a pad and a pen ready for you so that you can take notes at your leisure.

One group

We would like to bring you together and enable you to exchange ideas - according to the motto "One course - one group". You can exchange ideas via Telegram or WhatsApp, for example. You decide which form you use as a course.

Course 01-25



Directly after registration



May 29th - June 1st



Directly after registration



May 29th - June 1st

Schedule Workshop 01-25

Thursday 29.05.2025

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Friday 30.05.2025

9:30 am - 6:00 pm


Saturday 31.05.2025

9:30 am - 6:00 pm


Sunday 01.06.2025

9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Course 02-25



Directly after registration



October 09th - 12th



Directly after registration



October 09th - 12th

Schedule Workshop 02-25

Thursday 09.10.2025

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Friday 10.10.2025

9:30 am - 6:00 pm


Saturday 11.10.2025

9:30 am - 6:00 pm


Sunday 12.10.2025

9:30 am - 4:00 pm

together ImmunSymbiosis©

"You have broadened the horizons of so many people."

"Dear Ariane, we've never gotten so much great feedback on an episode of the podcast as we did on yours! (...) Thank you so much for being on the show. You were absolutely incredible and broadened so many people's horizons."
Eugénie Krüger
Podcast host
"You won't be the same in 30 minutes!" - The revolutionary "effect" of Ariane's ImmuneSymbiosis approach (transl.)
Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat
1st Executive Board of the IGAF


Training to become a certified MatrixTechnique© therapist takes place several times a year.


  • Course 01-25 & Refresh 01-25

    May 29th - June 1st

  • Course 02-25 & Refresh 02-25

    October 09th - 12th

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    MatrixTechnique® training




    Theory on the MatrixTechnique©

    1. Smart Vagus / Polyvagal Theory

    2. Connective tissue

    3. Lymphatic system / lymph congestion

    4. Interoception

    5. Fascia anatomy

    6. Myofascial chains

    7. Fascial diseases

    8. Fascial health / fascial gymnastics

    9. The Fourth Phase of Water according to Prof. Pollack, biophotons

    10. Mental trauma in the connective tissue, soul fasciae

    11. Combination with systhemic & trauma therapies


    Theory on the MatrixTechnique©

      1. Contraindications

      2. General information on manual therapeutic work

      3. Typical course of treatment

      4. Accompanying order therapy

      5. Scar treatment

    Practical implementation

    Deep connective tissue massage techniques MatrixTechnique© to activate lymph, connective tissue and fascia for visceral space, radix oedema, back, scar treatment, neck, head, arms, shoulders and legs, as well as treatment along fascial pathways.

    Graduation and certificates

    1. MatrixTechnique© exam

    2. Awarding of the certificates

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    Workshop & Graduation

    ImmunSymbiosis© Training




    Theory on the MatrixTechnique©

    1. Smart Vagus / Polyvagal Theory

    2. Connective tissue

    3. Lymphatic system / lymph congestion

    4. Interoception

    5. Fascia anatomy

    6. Myofascial chains

    7. Fascial diseases

    8. Fascial health / fascial gymnastics

    9. The Fourth Phase of Water according to Prof. Pollack, biophotons

    10. Mental trauma in the connective tissue, soul fasciae

    11. Combination with systhemic & trauma therapies


    Theory on the MatrixTechnique©

      1. Contraindications

      2. General information on manual therapeutic work

      3. Typical course of treatment

      4. Accompanying order therapy

      5. Scar treatment

    Practical implementation

    Deep connective tissue massage techniques MatrixTechnique© to activate lymph, connective tissue and fascia for visceral space, radix oedema, back, scar treatment, neck, head, arms, shoulders and legs, as well as treatment along fascial pathways.

    Graduation and certificates

    1. MatrixTechnique© exam

    2. Awarding of the certificates

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