ImmunSymbiosis© from A-Z | Season 1 (german) – SophiaMatrix® Training Schiebender Textbereich Skip to content Subscribe to newsletter Hover-Effekt Button
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The Season 1 & 2 Combo!

ImmunSymbiosis© from A-Z | Season 1 (german)


Language: German

Watch the new series by Ariane Zappe now!


The time has come – the long-awaited first season is now available!

We are looking forward to starting this adventure with you and are thrilled with the way Ariane Zappe breaks down the ImmunSymbiosis into individual steps.


Simple, understandable and well explained.

We wish you lots of fun!



Total duration
approx. 6,5h
Number of episodes
Activation period
9 months

*See ” Additional information” for more information on booking

*See ” Additional information” for more information on booking

Should it be a gift?

Season 1 is also available as a gift! We will be happy to create an individual gift voucher for you. Simply select the option at checkout and let us know to whom the voucher should be addressed. You will receive the voucher conveniently by e-mail within 24 hours.
Enjoy your time on our premises!
The entire SophiaMatrix team wishes you lots of fun with it.
P.S.: The recipient can redeem the voucher by simply contacting us at and stating the voucher code, their e-mail address, their name and the desired activation date.


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SophiaMatrix Training UG


Ariane Zappe
Health practitioner
Ariane Zappe in ihrer Praxis am Schreibtisch mit Laptop vor sich und Praxisausrüstung im Hintergrund - Querformat
Foundation and management of SophiaHealth® Institute Kaufbeuren


Your living room
In a place so comfortable that even the sofa cushions are jealous – or maybe even on an expedition through the unexplored territory of your living room!


The perfect start to the new year.
The first season of the new series started just in time for 01.01.2024!


Season 1 The journey begins

Many of us no longer feel comfortable with the thought of constantly having to fight viruses and bacteria. In recent years in particular, we have been at war with microbes more than ever before. It is high time for a rethink – for a reverse thrust on all engines. The basis of our medicine, declaring microbes to be pathogens and enemies, has brought us chronic diseases.

A new foundation and, building on this, a new model of our immune system and our body, the ImmunSymbiosis, can answer many questions. All the ingenious developments of our modern medicine find their place here in a new context.


A model that can also create a symbiosis between the different branches of medicine.


Separation has always gotten us into trouble. Symbiosis is the solution. I have been pursuing this approach for many years. From this I have been able to derive a new understanding of the processes in our body and explanations and solutions for the chronic diseases of our time
– substantiated by countless studies and based on science.


With the new online series, I would like to finally make this knowledge accessible to everyone, with or without previous medical knowledge, in a compact and practical way
– for implementation in everyday life, for the family and for therapeutic practice.





Folge 1 – Warum ImmunSymbiose?



Folge 2 – Das ImmunSymbiose Tagebuch



Folge 3 – ImmunSymbiose – ein neues Modell



Folge 4 – ImmunSymbiose im großen Stil



Folge 5 – Bobtail Tintenfisch – wir leuchten nicht mehr



Folge 6 – Wer bin ich? – unsere Keime



Folge 7 – Globale Störungen der ImmunSymbiose



Folge 8 – Deine persönliche Timeline – komm den Ursachen deiner Symptome auf die Spur



Folge 9 – Vorfahren, Schwangerschaft, Geburt und die ersten Jahre



Folge 10 – Lösungen für frühe Störungen des Immunsystems



Folge 11 – Homöopathie & Frequenzmedizin



Folge 12 – Frequenz & Komplexakkorde



Folge 13 – Erste Umsetzung im Alltag



Folge 14 – Vorfreude auf die nächsten Staffeln


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50% repeat discount

Get a 50% discount when you do the seminar for the second time. No matter whether you repeat it as a recording or as a seminar.

Should it be a gift?

What do I have to do?

This event is also available as a gift! We will be happy to create an individual voucher for you. Simply select the option at checkout and let us know who the voucher should be addressed to. You will receive the voucher conveniently by e-mail within 24 hours.

How can the voucher be redeemed?

The recipient can redeem the voucher by simply contacting us at and providing the voucher code, their e-mail address, their name and the desired activation date.

Enjoy your time with us!
The entire SophiaMatrix team wishes you all the best!.